Coffee and Creativity on Iman FMCreativity on the radio has arrived. Some readers of my blog posts or my newsletter will know that I have been talking abut a radio show for a while. Well, now it is here. Coffee With Derek is an hour long programme that is broadcast every Thursday from 1:30pm until 2:30pm BST.

Soak up some creativity whilst drinking a cup of coffee. If you are in the Sheffield area you can listen to Iman FM on 103.1FM. If you are out of range just go to and click on the listen live link.

The aim of the programme is to demonstrate how creative or alternative thinking can be used in both a personal and work context to get better solutions to problems and generate better ideas as well as making life generally easier. I also take a look at some news and local issues and give them the alternative treatment too.
Footnote: IMAN FM ceased broadcasting in 2017. You can listen to some of the shows plus my shows on Radio Ramadan here .

Coffee and Creativity on the Radio