How To Get In Touch:

How to contact Derek Cheshire

The easy way to get in touch with me is to scan the QR code and get my contact details that way.

Alternatively, you can use the contact form or any of the methods listed.If you have been looking around the website and wish to contact Derek Cheshire, then this is the place for you.

If by any chance you have been searching the internet for a speaker, workshop facilitator, or specialist in Innovation and Business Creativity then this is also the place for you.

This page lists all of the methods that you can use to get in touch with me, Derek Cheshire. When getting in touch, please include a telephone number if you wish me to call you. I try to respond to emails and website inquiries within 24 hours.

If I cannot answer the telephone immediately, and you decide to leave a message, I will usually respond during the same working day. Please be patient, my clients are important to me.

If you would like to schedule a Zoom call then click on the big red button below.

I am based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire with representatives and contacts in Mexico, Asia, Africa, Central Europe and the Middle  East. So whatever time zone you are in, I am never far away!

Email Derek Cheshire Business Creativity and Innovation specialistEmail:

Telephone Derek Cheshire Business Creativity and Innovation specialistCall:


Mobile: +44 (0)7974 755648
Landline: +44 (0)114 400 0236

Write to Derek Cheshire Business Creativity and Innovation specialistWrite:


Derek Cheshire
24 Whirlow Court Road
Sheffield, UK
S11 9NT