Innovation and Business Creativity podcasts:

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I have recorded several Innovation and Business Creativity podcasts. The playlists will automatically be updated as more are recorded. The podcasts are short with a target playing time of between 3 and 5 minutes. They are intended for use when you are having a break, drinking a cup of coffee or even driving home.
There is no program to follow. Simply pick the title that appeals and play the audio. If you like the topics then why not sign up for my regular monthly newsletter? (new subscribers get a free copy of my Innovation Handbook).
If any of the topics resonate with you why not get in touch to see how Derek could help you? If you would like to watch some of my videos then please visit this page.
If you want to find more resources to download for free then why not try my resources page? There are free resources and links to a large number of articles that relate to the use of Innovation and Creativity in Business.
The Business Creativity and Innovation audio podcasts along with their respective program notes can be found in my blog here. For convenience, the very latest podcasts can be found on this page in the form of a playlist for my embedded audio player.
Simply click on the title and then click the play button or click on the title link above the player and go to the corresponding blog entry.

ReThinking, Innovation, ReInvention and alternative thinking tips for you and your business. These are applicable to organisations of all types and sizes from Micro Enterprises to large conglomerates, private sector, public sector or not for profit. Listeners are introduced to a range of ideas that fall under the umbrella of Innovation and Creativity but which can help with real business issues such as solving problems, generating ideas, making decisions, formulating business strategy and engaging stakeholders.

July 22, 2024 ·
Podcast: Are You Asking The Right Questions?
5 Min, 51 Sec
By Derek Cheshire
We really do need to make sure that the questions we ask before deciding on a course of action scope out our probably properly. Out of all the people in the world, the people we tend to trust the most are probably doctors. We believe them to be experts, because if we didn’t we would probably be terrified every time we became ill. Given this faith in doctors, how often do you suppose they actually get it right? Or more terrifyingly, how often do they get it wrong? It is not very likely that your doctor will tell you are okay when you are critically ill but what about the cases where they diagnose a common cold but your elevated temperature is related to something much more serious? Are they solving the right problem? Studies in the US indicate a 40% misdiagnosis rate with a reasonable percentage (around 10%) resulting in avoidable death. These statistics are easily verified following autopsy. In medicine, as with many other disciplines we need to diagnose the right condition in order to treat it. In the world of creative problem solving we must do two things. Firstly correctly identify that the problem really is causing the symptoms (business issues) that have been observed and secondly when we apply a solution, it must be tailored to the actual problem. So what is the issue here, how does this come about? Overconfidence and over-familiarity are two good reasons. If experts become complacent or see the same problems day in, and day out, they might be tempted to assume that the problem is the same.
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Radio Show ‘Late Morning Show’
Here you can listen to a sample of Derek’s Late Morning show broadcast on Radio Ramadhan, broadcast in 2019. The show was broadcast on Mondays between 10:00am and 11:00am. The programs contain business related content along with a little light entertainment.
Radio Show ‘Coffee With Derek’
Here you can listen to a sample of Coffee With Derek. The show is no longer broadcast but used to be broadcast every Thursday between 1:30pm and 2:30pm BST. The programs contain business related content along with a little light entertainment and sometimes a look at local media.