ReThinking, Tools For Anxious Business Owners:

Downloadable resources that you can use as you wish.
One call of up to an hour plus a limited email exchanges to support you.
No signing up to a newsletter for access (unless you want to of course).
I originally put this page together in response to the effects of COVID that hit us all around February/March 2020. Time has moved on now but we have a different set of problems.
Economies around the world are facing challenges due to rising interest rates, inflation and the effects of the war in Ukraine.
So businesses are left feeling a little bewildered as their costs spiral, their markets shrink and customers spend less.
So what can you do? You need to ReThink certain aspects of your business to get yourself future ready. What this is I cannot tell you unless you get in touch and we have a chat. But this will involve taking a long hard look at your environment and what is going on inside your business.
You will find help elsewhere to motivate you, get yourself organised, or sort out social or financial issues. It’s not that I don’t care, there are others with far more expertise in these areas.
What I am able to do is act as a sounding board and apply alternative ways of thinking to the business problems that you might be having. Have you lost your face to face clients, are you unable to deliver your products in the way you did before, or are you puzzled as to how to compete with all of the other businesses that are trying to reinvent themselves?
Would an easy to follow and easy to adapt Strategy help you?
Let me tell you now, there is no new normal just as there was not post COVID and anyone who tells you so is delusional. What you need are additional tools in your business toolbox that help you navigate through these choppy waters.
Whilst this crisis is ongoing I shall offer my time to any business or organisation entirely FREE of charge (no catches) for initial advice. We can have a chat of up to an hour and then a limited number of email exchanges after that to make sure you are on track.
For an initial chat please click on the red button near the bottom of the page.
All resources on this page are entirely free and downloading them will not require you to be added to my mailing list. If you would like to get monthly updates then you might get caught by a friendly pop up or you can sign up here.
In this uncertain time, Directors and Business Owners will be anxious about what challenges the post coronavirus world has in store and how those challenges can be met. I can help you visualise this world and work out what business offerings, products and services will be needed. This also applies to NGOs and charities.
In the past, I have worked with engineering, electronics and manufacturing companies, charities and local government but this also works if you are a bank or insurance company.
Your landscape is changing and I can help!
It is fairly evident that the world we will inhabit in a year’s time is very different from the world we have been used to.
I see business colleagues scampering feverishly around trying to react and save their businesses. I have seen speakers and trainers suddenly try and switch to online learning (and now clumsily blended learning), prices slashed ‘for the time being’, people promising to coach you out of your current predicament. Much (not all) of this is absolutely useless.
Why do I say this? Well, the world is going to be very different, things will change rapidly and the only person who has any sort of handle on it all is YOU.
All organisations will have to think about the products and services they offer, the situations their clients find themselves in and how they fit in with the community. Organisations will need ideas, sounding boards and much more. The mixture of creative thinking, disruption and innovation is what I call ReThinking.
You might have the tools to sort yourself out and you may not. If not then you will find some here. More will be added as people request them or I think they might be useful. I have not put everything here as it is possible to overload yourself and not take any action at all.
For an example of how fast things are changing read When The Threat Is Here, It Is Too Late To Change! I apologise for the metaphor used but it was written several weeks ago and only published a couple of weeks ago.
And just to be clear, I am offering downloadable resources, an hour talking to me plus limited email support, entirely free of charge, no strings attached. You are likely to be a Director, Business Owner, Charitable Trustee or possibly a notable academic but you must be in a position to be able to steer your organisation.
Here is Derek being interviewed by Scott McArthur about how this idea came about.
Free Downloadable Alternative Thinking Resources
These files are all in PDF format. Simply click on the link to download them. If you have any issues downloading them or in using them please get in touch.
Creative Techniques This file contains some creative techniques that you use on your own or with other people. Use in your own workshops or in your business.
Free Ebook This Ebook contains some do’s and don’ts around creative thinking as well as some more techniques to use.
Are you Innovation ready? You might be thinking of embracing Innovation but are you really ready for this. Here are some ‘finger in the air’ tests for you.
The Way To Innovation A broad range of information here from Leadership and management, the Innovation Equation, methodology, continuous innovation, culture and infrastructure.
Visualisation Exercises This audio file contains several visualisation exercise that can both help you relax and also see problems in a different way. It is approx 40 minutes long.
Change This Manifesto A manifesto written for Change This. It differentiates between ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ Innovation and helps you make changes stick.
In addition if you have some great ideas and wish to ‘test them’ then read What makes a good idea? It is not an absolute test but should help you.
Finally (yes, really) you are about to change. In order to find out how ready you are and how good you might be you can take my free, and easy to complete, test.
If you wish to have a chat for up to an hour then please click on the button below.
Book A ReThinking Slot
If you would like a chat about ReThinking then simply click on the big red button above. In fact, if you want to talk about anything at all, just click. I don’t mind.
This will allow you to book a video call at a time of your choosing using your own time zone if you are not based in the UK.
Simply click, select the date and time of your preference and enter a few details.
You will then be given a slot in my calendar and a URL will be emailed to you at the end of the process.
I look forward to speaking with you.