Information for Event Organisers:

Here you will find some basic but essential information for event organisers. If you can’t see the answers to your questions here then please drop by my contact page or click on the big red button below:
Booking Derek.
To make a booking or determine availability simply get in touch using any of the methods listed on the Contact page. Terms and conditions regarding booking and cancellation can be provided on request.
Pre and Post Event Activities.
Whenever possible, Derek will meet with you in advance of your event to fully acquaint himself with your requirements and objectives. He is keen to tailor the event to your needs and those of your delegates.
Where face to face interactions are not possible then a Zoom call (or similar) will be used.
If you require him to undertake media interviews ahead of the event ( TV, radio or print) he is happy to do so.
After interactive events such as Seminars or Masterclasses, Derek normally provides support to delegates. This normally continues for up to 30 days to ensure that they get the most from their learning.
Technical and Space Requirements.
The following information comes from experience and helps to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible.
For Remote Events.
These have become the norm and can take place on a number of platforms. In advance of the event it is desirable to confirm the following:
- Time, date, duration, attendees
- The platform being used (Zoom, Teams, Gotowebinar etc)
- Format e.g. formal (standing up, conference type) or informal. This may affect my equipment, lighting and camera usage etc
- Recording
For In Person Events.
I use my own laptop for slides with a remote control. It need not be positioned where I am standing, but there should be no major obstructions between the laptop and myself. I also require a bright, good quality data projector that I can connect to connect to my laptop that is suitable for the venue being used.
For larger audiences (possible over 30 and certainly over 50 depending on venue) I require a good quality wireless lapel microphone connected to a suitable sound system.
For interactive events, especially masterclasses please consult with me beforehand. As a rule of thumb, if a venue will seat 50 in theatre or boardroom style then it will only fit in 25 people for an interactive masterclass.
I provide all materials as part of my fee (pens, flipchart paper, Lego etc). However, please ensure that delegates have something to take notes.
You MUST confirm as soon as possible if you suspect that any special arrangements need to be put in place.