Watch Derek:
The playlists featured below are available on my YouTube channel. Click on this link to visit the channel and subscribe. All of the videos have been recorded and uploaded over a period of time and so the content and styles have changed. If there is anything in particular that you are looking for please get in touch. If you would like to book Derek for an event then why not schedule a short 1-2-1 call?
If you would like to listen to my podcast then please visit this page.
Business Jam (Live Streamed fortnightly with guests).
This playlist features videos that originally appeared in my Business Jam Live stream. Each episode is around 50 minutes long and is loosely connected to the topic of Innovation. I love shiny gadgets but I am also interested in the attitudes, behaviours and motivation of people working in this area. Each episode features a guest who has unique insights.
Because viewers do not always have a lot of time I have also taken short sections from each show and named them ‘Short Cuts’. So Episode 1 will have short cuts numbered 1.x and so on.
Oh, and occasionally I take a slightly irreverent and humorous look at business topics. These can be found in my Have I Got Jam For You? videos.

Innovation Wise.
These are a series of more considered thoughts, usually a little longer.

100s Or Less.
These videos are part of a series of short videos about Innovation and Business Creativity which I call 100s Or Less because they are all supposed to be less than 100 seconds in length. You might find that one or two creep over! They are not designed to be HD TV or production quality, simply recorded and uploaded when time permits. Hover over a thumbnail to find out what each video is about.

Rough Cut Creativity.
These videos are part of a series of thoughts and musings about Business Creativity and Innovation which I call Rough Cut Creativity. They are not designed to be HD TV or production quality, simply recorded and uploaded on a whim. I hope that you find them useful. Just hover over a thumbnail to find out what each video is about.

ReThinking Live.
These videos were originally broadcast live on YouTube. They are a little rough around the edges but once again, I hope that you find them useful. Hover over a thumbnail to find out about the contents of each video.