April 4, 2024 ·
Podcast: Using negativity
3 Min, 54 Sec · By Derek Cheshire
Using negativity, especially within the workplace, is something you should try to do. We all have a few people around us, in our businesses or our circles of friends who are a little bit negative, don't we? I like to call them the Mood Hoovers. Some of them are so bad that they do actually suck the goodness out of you. But they can actually help you without realising it. Reverse or negative brainstorming is absolutely ideal for this. It can be slotted into short periods of time, such as coffee breaks, train journeys, or whilst you're waiting for somebody. And if you're bored, you can always let your mind wander a little and venture off into springboards to. Anyway, if you want to use this technique, then simply select an issue or a topic about which you need to generate some ideas. The fact that some of you will be more familiar with the topic than others in the in a group, doesn't really matter at all for this exercise. Everybody will get benefit from trying out this technique and swapping notes afterwards. The topic you select should be positive and present a possibility.
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